Regina Executive Leadership Outlook May 2024
June 01, 2024
Business leaders are cautiously optimistic about the anticipated future economic state and current industry outlook, with data showing increases in employment and job opportunities across various sectors.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook October 2023
November 01, 2023
Executive confidence drops regarding anticipated future economic state and current industry outlook.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook May 2023
June 01, 2023
Business leaders are optimistic about the anticipated future economic state and current industry outlook.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook October 2022
November 01, 2022
Business leaders' anticipated future economic conditions have decreased, matching pre-pandemic ratings, with inflation, labour and supply chain concerns as the leading factors contributing to the decrease.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook May 2022
June 01, 2022
Although the current industry outlook has dipped slightly, business leaders are more optimistic than pre-pandemic about anticipated future economic conditions.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook November 2021
November 01, 2021
Overall, business leaders continue to express uncertainty about the effects of the pandemic. While multiple vaccines are on the horizon, the immediate effects of the second wave are taking a toll on some businesses.
Regina's Economic Report Card - January 2021
January 26, 2021
The Economic Report Card is a joint initiative between Economic Development Regina Inc., Praxis Consulting, and SJ Research Services. It provides a concise report of key economic indicators for the Greater Regina Area, updated monthly.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook January 2021
January 25, 2021
Overall, business leaders continue to express uncertainty about the effects of the pandemic. While multiple vaccines are on the horizon, the immediate effects of the second wave are taking a toll on some businesses.
Announcement: YWCA Fundraiser, Coldest Night of the Year - February 20, 2021
January 06, 2021
Please join U of R Dean, Dr. Gina Grandy, & our RBC Woman Executive in Residence, Valerie Sluth, at YWCA's fundraiser, Coldest Night of the Year.
Regina's Economic Report Card - December 2020
December 22, 2020
The Economic Report Card is a joint initiative between Economic Development Regina Inc., Praxis Consulting, and SJ Research Services. It provides a concise report of key economic indicators for the Greater Regina Area, updated monthly.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook October 2020
October 27, 2020
With the onset of COVID-19, we saw a deep and sudden drop in almost every sector of our economy. Regina’s Executive Confidence Index reflects what’s happened since. In Q2, the Index fell to a historic low of 1.89 – well off the historical average of 2.23.
Regina's Economic Report Card - October 2020
October 22, 2020
The Economic Report Card is a joint initiative between Economic Development Regina Inc., Praxis Consulting, and SJ Research Services. It provides a concise report of key economic indicators for the Greater Regina Area, updated monthly.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook July 2020
July 27, 2020
The global pandemic has had a clear and obvious impact on Regina's economy, bringing much of it to a standstill for the second quarter of 2020. Despite Saskatchewan faring better than expected and moving into Phase 4.2 of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, executive confidence, unsurprisingly, has taken a hit.
GRA Monthly Economic Report Card
April 22, 2020
The Economic Report Card is a joint initiative between Economic Development Regina Inc., Praxis Consulting, and SJ Research Services. It provides a concise report of key economic indicators for the Greater Regina Area, updated monthly.
We Build: Saskatchewan's Construction Magazine
January 10, 2020
Issue 4 of We Build magazine features an article from our very own Stephen Johnson. In his article (page 28), Stephen takes a close look at the economic impact of the construction sector to our province.
Regina Executive Leadership Outlook - Special Topic Quarterly Report: Regina's Food Economy - November 2019
November 30, 2019
Regina’s Executive Leadership Outlook provides thought leadership from the GRA's leading executives, and provides insight into the hiring, investment and revenue intentions of the region's leading businesses.

Regina Executive Leadership Outlook March 2019
March 27, 2019
When compared to the last quarter of 2018, our latest Regina Executive Leadership Outlook (RELO) shows an increase in the percentage of executives believing the economy will perform better in the next 12 months.

Sask's GDP Could Decline by 11.4% with Elimination of NAFTA
February 01, 2019
Praxis conducts an economic impact scenario analysis to consider: What if Saskatchewan's exports to the U.S. returned to pre-Free Trade Agreement level and structure?

Regina Executive Leadership Outlook December 2018
December 01, 2018
The end of 2018 observed a decline of the Executive Confidence Index; however, executive respondents remain resilient and positive for the year ahead. Read about it in the latest Regina Executive Leadership Outlook

Regina Executive Leadership Outlook September 2018
September 01, 2018
Regina executives were asked to imagine an audacious vision for Regina in the next 30 years. Read their ideas in the latest Regina Executive Leadership Outlook.

Regina Executive Leadership Outlook - Quarterly Report March 2018 (Copy-2019)
March 01, 2018
The confidence of our business executives is strong with an Executive Confidence Index of 2.6.

Vital Conversations: Pursuing Reconcilliation
November 01, 2017
On October 4, 2017, the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF) conducted a Vital Conversation on “Pursuing Reconciliation.”